Level Designer, Writer
Thunder Lotus Games, 2020 / PC, Switch, PS4, Xbox One, Stadia, iOS
Spiritfarer is a cozy management game about dying. You play Stella, ferrymaster to the deceased. Build a boat to explore the world, then befriend and care for spirits before finally releasing them into the afterlife. Farm, mine, fish, harvest, cook, and craft your way across mystical seas.
Museum of Symmetry
Coordinator, QA (NFB)
National Film Board of Canada & Casa Rara Studios, 2018 / Vive
Museum of Symmetry is an “other-dimension” VR adventure game that takes you on an absurdist mind-and-body romp, through the highest clouds to the ocean deep.
NFB StopMo Studio
National Film Board of Canada, 2014 / iOS
NFB StopMo Studio is an easy-to-use iOS app that lets you make stop motion animated films.
McLaren’s Workshop
National Film Board of Canada, 2013 / iOS
McLaren’s Workshop lets you create your own animation, using Norman McLaren's groundbreaking animation techniques.
NFB Films App
Content integration, QA
National Film Board of Canada, 2013 / iOS, Android, Apple TV, Roku…
The NFB Films App lets you watch over 4,000 documentaries, animations and feature films on your smartphone, tablet, and TV for free.
Prototypes, Game Jam, etc.
Main Designer, Writer
A collection of prototypes, game jam games, student projects made using ink, Bitsy, Twine, and Unity.
Best Game Writing (Nominated)
Best Video Game (Nominated)
Excellence in Narrative (Honorable Mention)
Independent Games Festival 2021